Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday 1st November – budget calculations and bike ride

Now we’d decided to stay in Buena Vista until Thursday that would be another week’s budget and so far we were on target, even after going out for the first time last night! So, how had we done it?  Well, stayed in a cheap campsite for six nights and driven a lot less mileage for starters.  This morning we tried to work out a formula to try and keep within budget every week.  Filling the tank of the RV cost us roughly $80 a time and that gave us about 400 miles on the road.  We decided to try and limit ourselves to 800 miles per week, so $160 in gas.  There are cheaper campsites if you look for them, if we try to limit a stay at $25 per night that sets a budget of $175 per week on accommodation.  Those two things total $335, leaving $115 for groceries and….. well, everything else.  It was always going to be tight but by limiting how far we progress every week it should be achievable.

One of the places nearby the Visitor's Centre had told us about was Natural Bridge, a point of interest where limestone rock was formed into a large arch – you see how it got the name.  I was keen for an opportunity to fully test my mended bicycle gears and this was only a short drive away and was sure to be visible from some sort of cycle trail, right?  Wrong.  This natural historic feature is within a gorge and those cheeky Virginians have fenced it off so that they can charge $8 per person for a short walk in to look at it!  I know, the money is all probably for a good cause like maintaining the site and paying someone to clean the public toilets (or restrooms as they’d be called) but this is the kind of decision we must make.  Okay, so the bridge is meant to be one of the seven wonders of the natural world but we’d nearly driven through the area oblivious to this fact.  Not wanting to ruin the budget when we were doing so well we turned away from the Natural Bridge and went for a lovely bike ride on the Monacan trail opposite instead.  This time we took a map.  There were some tough, steep slopes to ascend but we were rewarded with stunning views across the state park.

Not one of the most stunning views... but look down there.... there's our RV!
If the slopes were tough to go up, they did not let off going downhill either!  It was so bumpy that some screws on Simon’s handlebars had worked loose so he was in danger of not being able to use his brakes at all!  That slowed our descent a little but thankfully our DIY skills did suffice when it came to tightening a few screws up!

On our return to the campsite we had a relaxing evening and I managed to make some much-needed progress with writing this blog.

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