Having not driven into any new States for nearly a month,
today we rectified the situation.
We are
making gradual progress East and today we are hoping to get more than half way
across Wyoming.
We were only
approximately 30 miles from the border and did two hours of driving each
with a stop for lunch.

As we approached our RV park of choice in Rawlins, Wyoming,
it was only 4pm.
I suggested a ‘cheat’ –
if we go and fill up the tank now and do a grocery shop, we will save time
tomorrow so we can make more ground BUT we will put the costs into next week’s
budget because we won’t actually
the food and gas today!
Is that cheating
the budget?
Or good time
Either way, it was done and we
were still booked into Red Desert Rose Campground and hooked up before 530pm,
even after squeezing in a propane fill as well.
The view of our camp ground from the hill-top |

Having been cooped up in the RV driving we haven’t really
had a decent leg-stretch since Monday afternoon.
I am getting in the habit of spotting a local
hill and having to climb it and today was no exception!
Simon settled into the RV for the evening
whilst I had a short walk up a rocky outcrop overlooking the site, all the
while keeping an eye on the dark clouds creeping nearer (right).
I managed it without injury or a downpour and
felt better for my efforts.
Refreshed, I
could focus on some more blog catching-up for the evening.
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