Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wednesday 21st June - Rafting adventure

We were booked on the 1pm adventure rafting trip so we needed to arrive at Montreal Rafting, south of the city, by 1230pm.  We got there even earlier than this, allowing us to have a warming cup of tea on the RV first, as it was somewhat gusty.  We also each opted for the additional extra of a wet-suit:
The 'before' picture....

We explained to the lady at the counter that we were all first-timers and a little nervous, so she advised us to stick to the back of the boat where we would feel the rise and fall less.  Despite this, we were too slow getting into the boat, so guess who got to go at the front?!

Spot the geek with the camera...
They also had hard hats with the fittings for Go-Pro cameras so I got to take some live adrenalin-filled footage:

There was an extremely strong current as the volume of water in the river was really high.  This meant that we all had to paddle strongly as a team to reach the correct point on the river to hit the white water.  It was tough going, but the exertion kept us warm.  There was more stopping than expected.  We would paddle hard and then the guides would shout ‘break!’ and we’d hang on to a tree or a piece of rock to get our breath back and discuss the tactics for the next water obstacle.  I think this happened three times, between which we flew through some large looking waves and got a soaking!  I think it was more the apprehension, as we saw the waves we were heading for, that gave the adrenalin rush.  Before we had too much time to dwell on it we were through it and out the other side and the water calmed back down again. 

The two hours flew by and surprisingly we were told we were heading for shore where a bus would pick us and the boats up, having travelled about 7km downriver. It was at this point, when Ann was starting to shiver from the cold, that Simon thought it would be a good idea to use his arm to sweep his mother into the water backwards!  I gawped in disbelief as I watched poor Ann disappear away from me into the water.  Luckily, we were not in an incredibly fast-flowing section so she remained next to the boat and was hauled out by the shoulders of her life-vest.  She took it with brilliant humour.  I’m not sure I’d have been laughing through the ordeal. Simon informed us that it wasn’t personal – Ray or I would’ve had exactly the same treatment if we had been misfortunate enough to sit by his side!  The rest of the day we tried to make Simon feel suitably guilty for doing this, especially as no one else got completely dunked as we had expected at the start of the day! There were various gags about him being written out of the will when they get home….  But here’s a pic to prove we all survived relatively unscathed!

Back on the RV to get changed and have a warming drink, we discussed our experience.  We’d all had a fun time but agreed we thought there’d be more constant white water with less paddling in between!  Maybe next time we’d try it on a thinner stretch of water with more obstacles. Or maybe it was a good thing to have experienced our first go on a river like this where you had the opportunity to catch your breath?!

Traffic back to our campsite was heavy so it was late afternoon by the time we arrived.  The weather was behaving according to plan, so tonight we hosted Ann and Ray for a final barbecue for their last night in Canada.  Despite our earlier exertions I was feeling bad that we hadn’t had the chance to experience the park we were staying in despite spending three nights there!  Thankfully, Ray was happy to accompany me out on the bikes to explore the area.  This park was similar to the last one, in that it was a series of adjoining islands.  We headed off to see how far we could get.  The answer to that was - not very far!  The only method to reach the next island across was a cable boat that ran between 9 and 5pm.  It was now 545pm!
We cycled the circumference of the island we were on, seeing some nice views and a deer or two, but we could only string it out for about 30 minutes before we were back where we’d started at the RV site. And Simon and Ann were still on the same game of chess!  They had at least lit the BBQ, so dinner was on its way, which was a good thing as I was HUNGRY!

We spent the evening playing cards as we had most evenings in their company until it was time to call for a taxi and walk them to the gates to catch their lift to the hotel.  Their flight home wouldn’t be until late tomorrow, so we agreed to pick them up about 11am so that we could make the most of our last hours together.

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