Last night Lisa and I had agreed to take the dogs for a walk
to the beach when she got in from nights at 8am, if she was feeling up to it. It
was a scorching morning, 25°C already. Ken was also up so the three of us, Monty and
Rosie enjoyed the coastline. I could get
used to a walk on the beach every morning if it looks like this....
By the time we got back to their house it was past 10am,
Simon was miraculously still asleep despite the heat. We said farewell to Lisa so that she could go
and pass out for the rest of the day.
Following breakfast and showers in our last bit of luxury for a few
weeks, we left about 1230pm.
Week 1 budget on the road resulted in an overspend of a few
hundred dollars! Nearly $200 of that can
be put down to diving expenses though, but still, this week we must try to do
better. Luckily, our follow-up grocery
shop came in cheaper, so that’s not a bad start.
It was only a 30-minute drive onwards to Yanchep NP. This had been recommended as somewhere you
can see Koalas in a natural enclosure, as natural as is possible in WA where
they are non-indigenous. I’m not sure if
I was more excited about the koalas or the possibility of getting our hands on
a Park Pass for $46!! Followers of our American travels will know how we
maximised our time and money by using our $80 National Parks pass to the nth degree!
Well, here in WA we have bought a $46 pass that gets us access to all the
National Parks for four weeks, instead of paying $13 each time we visit one. Result!
When the member of staff handed me our Australian National Parks guide I
was almost giddy! Snapping myself out of it we headed straight over to see the
koalas as there was a koala talk starting imminently.
This pair of ducks have their work cut out - I think I counted 11 ducklings! |
Our later than intended departure time from Perth (no
surprises there anymore…) meant that it was too much of a stretch to make it
all of the way to the Pinnacles today as planned. But this meant that instead we could take a
peek at one of the pretty coastal towns along the way to stay in for a
night. We opted for Lancelin and pulled
into a camp site there at just gone 5pm.
We were lucky to get a spot at all (though we couldn’t secure one with
electricity) because there is a jet-skiing competition on here this
weekend. That might be worth a look in
the morning! We had a hasty walk around
before dusk when we then retired to the camper for a random dinner of Barbecue
chicken wings and macaroni cheese!
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