Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday 13th March – Activity day

A busy day that started with a 745am alarm.  We had to reach Monterey Bay by 930am to be on board the Black-fin for our 3-hour whale-watching trip commencing at 10am.  We had all agreed following our mildly successful whale-watching trip in LA that another attempt was required!  As per our last boat ride, Becky and I selected shorts for our on-board attire – but I think we were the only ones brave (or stupid) enough!

Before we had even left harbour, we saw sea otters, birds and sealions galore on a spit (below). 

As we moved out of harbour the going got pretty rocky, with lots of people getting sea-sick and feeding the fish off the back of the boat! Thankfully the three of us were fine. We were too busy competing to spot the first whale!  Almost an hour into the trip we started getting worried that we were going to miss out again, especially when we saw a spout from a whale that promptly disappeared again completely.  A short time later we spotted a couple of fins of Dall’s Porpoise (there were 3 there apparently).  A fleeting glimpse - Were we going to miss out on whales again?!
But luck was with us.  A group of 3 gray whales were travelling together on their migration and they put on a lovely show for us. 

Now that's definitely a whale!

We travelled alongside them for what must have been 30-40 minutes, people gasping and camera shutters clicking madly each time one surfaced, until it was time to head back to shore.  Becky and I had to admit that our legs got a little chilly but it didn’t stop us thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Simon’s horse riding find from yesterday was at Pebble Beach nearby.  Talk about squeezing the experiences in today!  We got off the boat at 1pm, I rang them as we walked back to the RV and booked Becky and I onto the 2pm trail ride. Simon decided that our Texas cowboy experience could not be beaten, so opted out of a second ride.  A hasty drive across Monterey got us to the stables for 145pm where we paid and it was hats on, let’s go!

I was riding Lady A, Becky’s mount for the hour was called Ned.  There were two other ladies, a mother and daughter combo, on the ride and I was placed at the back again! The beginning of the ride was particularly boggy.  A couple of the horses were reluctant to wade through the mud and I was feeling a little sorry for them, but then we reached sandy tracks and the going became easier for our trusty steeds.  We enjoyed views of Pebble beach’s golf courses and the ocean vista before heading back in a loop towards the stables.  My favourite moment of the ride was when a hawk swooped right by me and landed on a branch nearby, but sadly my camera battery had already died so I was unable to capture the image.  I was really chuffed to be able to get Becky the horseback experience she was hoping for on her trip, she really enjoyed it.

Proof we made it back in one piece!
Simon making friends on Santa Cruz boardwalk
From Pebble Beach, it was an hour into Santa Cruz.  Our main reason for stopping here was to visit the legendary boardwalk that was used for filming large segments of the Lost Boys movie (in which it was called Santa Carla).  This film is one of my all-time guilty pleasure cult dark comedy flicks!  Being out-of-season none of the famous rides, including the carousel and big dipper, were running.

The famous, and shut, carousel

But we were still able to wander along the boardwalk and get photos, imagining that we were following in the footsteps of Kiefer Sutherland and his merry band of blood-sucking vampires! We walked through the arcades.  As it got later, the temperature increased.  People were playing volleyball on the beach, enjoying the weather.  We stopped for a beach-front dinner at Ideal Bar and Grill – just making it in time for happy hour and their ribs special for $11.95!

The beach volleyball at Santa Cruz on a lovely evening
We left Santa Cruz just before 7pm as the sun was setting.  We had a site booked for the RV in San Francisco for the next three nights.  So, the plan was to drive up route 1 for as long as there was enough light to enjoy the stunning scenery, before making for the RV park in the dark.  We nearly got as far as Half Moon bay before we headed onto main roads into San Fran, reaching Candlesticks RV Park just before 9pm.  Another example of an over-priced inner city RV Park - At $100 per night for the three of us, we found ourselves in another car park where we only just fitted into our space!  But we were there because it was the nearest camp-ground to the City centre and we intended to leave Harvey stationary for the whole visit so that trying to park an RV would not be an issue.
We were all exhausted after a long but exciting day. We had crammed so much in!

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